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Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
My mind is as free as Ocean.. My Imagination is as limitless as sky.. My heart is as wild as Wind.. &&& My spirit is as unshakable as Earth

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Why Mothers Kiss Their Babies

After a baby is born, it is a natural thing to see the mother kissing the baby. One would think that this is simply because of the emotional bond that has formed between mother and child. While this is true, there are also some other very compelling biochemical reasons as to why this occurs. These reasons reinforce the understanding that our bodies have inner wisdom which we seldom recognize or trust. Just as our bodies know how to give birth even if we don't have intellectual knowledge of the process, our bodies'  biological systems also have reasons for the complex social interplay between mother and baby.  It just goes to show that, more than ever, we should trust our mothering instincts.

When an animal gives birth to its young, you will notice that the mother spends a lot of time licking it's child. It exposes the five senses to the young, so that the mother knows the taste, smell, feel, sound, and sight of her new baby. In this way, the mother claims the child as her own.  When a human mother gives birth to a baby, and does so in an environment which allows her immediate and free access to her child, you will notice that over a period of time the mother performs certain behaviors which we call claiming behaviors.  She will caress the child, exploring the softness of the baby's skin and probably counting and fondling the unique little fingers and toes. She probably marvels visually over how much the baby looks like her or her husband or another family member, the color of the hair and eyes, and other physical features. She hears the baby's cries and learns to distinguish her baby's cry from all others. As she leans down to kiss the child, she undoubtedly smells the scent of her new baby, and through the act of kissing the baby, she actually learns to know the taste of him/her. She has also exposed her five senses to the baby so that she attaches to the baby, feeling that the baby is now her own. It is interesting to note that women who are deprived of the privacy and opportunity for bonding immediately after birth often state that there is an emotional distance between them and their babies, that they are never really sure that the baby is theirs.

Claiming behaviors such as kissing the baby provide not only emotional but biological attachment. There is also a very real health benefit for the baby in terms of kissing.  "When a mother kisses her baby, she 'samples' those pathogens that are on the baby's face - the very ones that the baby is about to ingest. These samples are taken up by the mother's secondary lympoid organs like the tonsils, and memory B cells specific for those pathogens are re-stimulated. These B cells then migrate to the mother's breasts where they produce just those antibodies that the baby needs!" 

We talk a lot about breastmilk, and about how it conveys antibodies to the infant and helps to prevent illness. However, the antibodies that the mother has made to the germs around her while pregnant convey little help to the infant. It is the germs in the infant's environment at present, the ones he is in contact with right now which he needs protection from. Kissing the baby is a very important activity beyond it's obvious pleasurable and attachment-promoting value.

So mothers, kiss away on those babies!

Copyright 2001-11  Judie Snelson and The Center for Unhindered Living

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blunder by Rediff..

On April 26, there was an article in ..

3 cities in India among fastest growing.

It was about the population growth ..
Indian cities in the list are
New Delhi at spot 1, Mumbai at 4 and Kolkata at no. 8 ..

But when they published the article, unfortunately Kolkata become part of Pakistan.

Anyway, they rectified the mistake it looks good..

But I wonder how can they be so foolish ..

here is the link to the article.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Airports in Kerala..

As of now our 3 airports are known by the location, Trivandrum International Airport, Cohin International Airport & Calicut international Airport.

I read in a news paper the names will be changed very soon to famous personalities..

And the probable names are

Col GV Raja for Trivandrum

Col GV Raja is a pilot, who was the pillar behind bring Trivandrum airport and the flying club there. He is the husband of Karthika Thirunal Lakshmi Bayi of Tranvancore, the sister of Maharaha Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varna.
He died in 1971.

K Karunakaran for Cochin.

Famous Congress politician ,popularly known as Leader. He was the CM of Kerala for 4 times. Cochin airport was his dream and he tried his best to make it happen.
He died in 2010.

and for Calicut airport, it will be some leader from the Malabar area.

Personally I prefer to keep the name as what it is now, let see what is going to happen.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One of my favorite songs from the movie Beautiful.
hats off to Anoop Menon for the lyrics and Unni Menon for the beautiful singing.
Even the movie is worth watching..
Link to the You tube page .. Click here

മഴനീര്‍ തുള്ളികള്‍ നിന്‍ തനുനീര്‍ മുത്തുകള്‍
തനുവായി പെയ്തിടും കനവായി തോര്‍ന്നിടും
വെണ്ണ്‍ ശങ്കിലെ ലയ ഗാന്ധര്‍വമായി
നീയെന്റെ സാരങ്ങിയില്‍
ഇതളിടും നാണത്തിന്‍ തേന്‍ തുള്ളിയായി
കതിരിടും മോഹത്തിന്‍ പോന്നോലമായി (മഴനീര്‍ തുള്ളികള്‍)

രാമേഘം പോല്‍ വിന്‍താരം പോല്‍
നീയെന്തേ അകലെ നില്‍പ്പൂ
കാതരേ നിന്‍ ചുണ്ടിലെ
സന്ധ്യയില്‍ അലിഞ്ഞിടാം
വിരിയും ചന്ദ്രലേഖ എന്തിനോ
കാത്തു നിന്നെന്നോര്‍ത്തു ഞാന്‍ (മഴനീര്‍ തുള്ളികള്‍)

തൂമഞ്ഞിലെ വെയില്‍ നാളം പോല്‍
നിന്‍ കണ്ണിലെന്‍ ചുംബനം
തൂവലായി കൊഴിഞ്ജോരീ
ആര്‍ദ്രമാം നിലാ കുളിര്‍
അണയും ഞാറ്റുവേല എന്തിനോ
ഒരു മാത്രാ കാത്തെന്നോര്‍ത്തു ഞാന്‍ (മഴനീര്‍ തുള്ളികള്‍)